Interview with Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked

“The judge erred: If the precondition for integrating haredim into the workforce is gender segregation, I’m willing to pay the price.”

Editor of Mishpacha magazine Yossi Elituv conducted a special interview with Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked. Elituv began by presenting Shaked with the study’s findings that indicate haredim have a low level of satisfaction with the courts. The Minister responded by differentiating between trust in the overall legal system and trust in the High Court of Justice. She emphasized her work in integrating haredim into the judicial system, and the recent appointment of a haredi judge. “I have set a goal of diversifying the judges in the system, because they have a unique worldview which they bring to the legal rulings. The haredim need to ensure more haredim contend for positions in the judiciary.” She also made reference to the court’s ruling to invalidate the gender segregation in the Mashpi’im program for integrating haredim into the civil service, noting that the judge had erred. “This statement…reflects a lack of understanding of processes that are critical to the State’s existence. We won’t be able to hold out as haredi society continues to grow. If the precondition for integrating haredim into the workforce is gender segregation, I’m willing to pay the price.”

for The Haredi Institute Conference - 2022
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