What’s Important in Life?

New research published by the Institute’s Deputy Chairman Nitsa (Kaliner) Kasir and research team presents the findings of a unique survey examining the priorities of distinct population groups in Israel – ultra-Orthodox Jews, non-ultra-Orthodox Jews, and Arabs – in a wide range of areas, as well as satisfaction in these areas.

New research published by the Institute’s Deputy Chairman Nitsa (Kaliner) Kasir and research team presents the findings of a unique survey examining the priorities of distinct population groups in Israel – ultra-Orthodox Jews, non-ultra-Orthodox Jews, and Arabs –  in a wide range of areas, as well as satisfaction in these areas.

Health and education ranked as the highest priorities among the general population, while the economy reached fourth place in the terms of importance. In seven categories, non-Haredi Jews are most satisfied with their situation, and in three categories – community and social life, personal security and the environment – Ultra-Orthodox are the most satisfied. The findings reveal many similarities in the preferences across all Jewish groups, which generally differ from the preferences of the Arab population.

In all areas covered by the survey, the Jewish populations rated their satisfaction higher than Arab participants.

The findings also indicate significant differences along gender lines, especially among the ultra-Orthodox. Among the ultra-Orthodox, the percentage of men who are satisfied with their situation is generally lower than that of women.

The study also examined the relationship between the ranking of each category and level of satisfaction, and found that there was a positive correlation between respondents’ highest-ranking categories and their level satisfaction in those areas.

Nitsa (Kaliner) Kasir
Past Researcher
Dmitri Romanov
Assaf Tsachor-Shai
Past Researcher

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