The 100-days plan was formulated by policy studies and strategic plans conducted by the Haredi Institute for Public Affairs in the past, and from the extensive experience and knowledge gained at the institute, and emphasizes the key issues that are on the agenda of the new government.

The Plan offers concrete actions for the economic-social advancement of the Haredi population in Israel in the fields of general strategy, employment, housing and infrastructure, education, crisis management, health and welfare.


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Yehudit Miletzky
Senior Researcher - Employment
Dr. Eitan Regev
VP Data & Research
Roni Barboy
Past Researcher
Bentzi Rakow
Haredi Fellow - Housing
Prof. Shai Stern
Deputy Chairman
Meir Hirshman
Haredi Fellow - Municipal & Media
Israel Tick
Haredi Fellow - Education
Adi Sisso-Juran
VP Policy Planning
Udi Ben-Dror
Elazar Korenfeld
Past Researcher
Dov Goldberg
Yaakov Izak
Yifat Mansbach-Shapira
Past Researcher
Shani Susman-Efrati
Danielle Ben-Yehuda
Past Researcher

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